L.A. County is where quality of life meets Life Science. Built on the bedrock of a globally respected college and university system that delivers thousands of bioscience grads each year, the L.A. region is positioned for healthy growth in this fast-moving industry. From discovery to manufacturing, Los Angeles has the resources and partners your business needs.
All regional stakeholders are urged to submit updated and/or additional information about their companies, activities, and events, which will be vetted and validated by the WhyLALifeScience support team. Content is updated regularly by a multidisciplinary team, which includes Biocom, the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, the Center for a Competitive Workforce and the Office of City of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, to ensure the most up-to-date, accurate and useful information about LA’s growing presence, unique value proposition and distinct productive advantages in the global life science sector.
To learn more about the Los Angeles region’s unique business advantages and economic impact, Biocom’s 2020 California Economic Impact Report provides key economic, demographic, and industry performance data and analysis. Click here to download the full report.